CASE HISTORY Banca Etruria


Banca Esperia, the boutique Private Banking arm of Mediobanca and Mediolanum, has undertaken with C-Global, a subsidiary of the Cedacri Group, a systematic dematerialisation of documents, focusing initially on customer contracts, the project extending over time to other types of documents . The project initially involved the parent company and later the companies Duemme SGR, Duemme International Luxembourg and Esperia Servizi Fiduciari with significant benefits. Benefits included improved conservation of paper documents, increased security of operations accessing the documents and greater efficiency in obtaining information contained in them.


"The decision to activate the dematerialisation initiative is explained on the one hand by the will to best preserve the paperwork over time, protecting it through the most advanced techniques of physical storage and reducing consultation of the same, and on the other hand by the need to increase security and efficiency in document management by using the digital versions," said Patrizio Lattanzi, Head of General Affairs and Operations of Banca Esperia.


Banca Esperia has found the ideal partner for this project in C-Global, a Cedacri Group company specialising in outsourced management of business processes. "Our Bank already relied on Cedacri for information system management, so it was natural to seek support in a Group with which we had already established a fruitful relationship of cooperation," recalls Lattanzi. "C-Global convinced us, thanks to its competitive costs which are made possible by the significant economies of scale achieved by the company, and the high quality standards and consolidated experience that it could offer us."


In 2010 the project began with the dematerialisation of past contract documents, kept until then at the branches of the Bank or in appropriate storage areas, and at their physical and digital archives in C-Global locations. The paperwork was collected and centralised in the head office of the Bank. Then the partner made available a set of highly specialised resources and the professional tools needed to perform the normalisation and optical acquisition of documents. Once the processing of past documentation was completed, the process of dematerialisation of the current documentation was started which continues to be done at the C-Global operations centre. A workflow that since the project started has involved a total of some 148,000 documents processed on behalf of the various Group companies. In 2014, the undoubted benefits gained through the dematerialisation of customer contracts drove Banca Esperia to extend the project to other types of documents. To make management more secure and efficient all the files relating to the Group's human resources were scanned, for a total of some 5,200 documents.


"Today the digitisation of business documents is widely recognised as important for developing towards more efficient business models. Like Banca Esperia, for many years now we have been able to experience the benefits of the dematerialisation of very important types of document and organisational areas, thanks to the project undertaken together with C-Global," said Patrizio Lattanzi, Head of General Affairs and Operations of Banca Esperia. The main results experienced are significant benefits – better preservation of the original documentation, more efficient and securer consultation of digital documents, as well as more timely customer service.