Full Finance

Full Finance is a product aimed at covering the increasingly complex requirements of national and international finance.
A single application platform provides integrated modules for the management of Front, Middle and Back Office activities. Full Finance also natively integrates the database master, management of capital gains, management of proprietary and third party securities, management of deposits and balance reconciliation, as well as all accessory administrative functions.
Full Finance is a multi-bank, multi-channel and multi-lingual tool, with 24/7 operativity. The solution is easy to integrate into the organization of user institutions, whether they are banks, SIM's or SGR's. It's extreme flexibility is demonstrated by the fact that it is already being used by banks with traditional business, networks of financial promoters, evolved trading platforms, saving and correspondent banks, as well as banking groups.

The product has been designed to satisfy the requirements of group finance back offices, avoiding superfluous duplication of processes, which is also costly in terms of human resources.
Cedacri can offer its platform both as an SAAS and user licensing package, the latter installed at the client's server farm.


  • Usability, functional completeness and very strong integration
  • Flexibility to the Bank/Securities Firm organizational model
  • Specific functions for banking group management
  • Service provider for the Information System channels
  • WEB Based
  • 24x7 application