Descrizione banche? Da togliere?
Descrizione banche? Da togliere?
Descrizione banche? Da togliere?
Descrizione banche? Da togliere?
Descrizione banche? Da togliere?
Cedacri provides an order routing service for Brokers and trading Securities Firms for order exchange and cancellation, as well as for outcomes of transactions for the sale and purchase of securities and derivatives with the Banks in Cedacri network.
This service entails interconnection of securities and derivatives applications, used by the Banks, with a system that allows connection between and the trader responsible for implementing Customers' orders on financial markets.
Cedacri makes available various applications and/or technologies for data interchange, in accordance with the broker's requirement, including the use of SI-FIX, Teletrading, Caronte, Worp, through native FIX protocol, code MQ, web services or other custom solutions to be agreed on by and between Cedacri and its Customer.
This interconnection can be made both with a dedicated data line and with VPN; the choice is to be made based on the expected volumes.
Constant monitoring is planned of connections and sorting of both inbound and outbound messages of the Banks.
The service includes forwarding of the instructions received from the Customer, both for the management of dynamic Best execution and for the Customer's specific orders, guaranteeing the transmission policy between the Bank and the broker.