General Ledger
Cedacri Smart Accounting is the first complete General Ledger and Operational Accounting application customised for the specific requirements of the bank and based on the SAP ECC platform, for more efficient processes and significant recovery of internal efficiency.
The solution is composed of two natively integrated modules:
- Operative Accounting, implemented on the SAP BW (Business Warehouse) platform, receives and manages all business events in accounting form
- General Bank Ledger, developed with the standard functions of SAP ECC supplemented with specific submodules to cover all the requirements of the bank not supported by standard SAP functions
Cedacri Smart Accounting can improve banking processes through:
- Greater rationalization of accounting processes
- Reduction or elimination of waiting times
- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) (e.g. ROI, ROE that can be managed by the system)
- Speeding up of processing phases through immediate processing with no
- night scheduling
- Native orientation to processing in a Banking Group perspective
- Automatic balancing
- Elimination and/or automation of control activities
- Advanced and customizable balancing functions
- Daily balancing: automatic comparison of accounting movement totals for the day
to the relevant business events
- Monthly balancing: automatic comparison of subsystem amounts to balances of
the relevant accounts