Internet Banking

The new Cedacri Internet Banking application called “NEXT GEN” covers all online banking and trading functions, as well as the most modern Income and Expenses control functions (thanks to the integration of the PFM product) and natural language processing functions (thanks to the integration of the NLP product). It is equipped with an intuitive, innovative and customisable Front-End, which takes into account the evolution of the market and usability by retail target customers, while also allowing customisation by the Bank of the graphic layout to suit the product and specific customer segment. Integration with CRM and Bank Management Control tools guarantees a multichannel commercial offer and a consistent user experience for each product type. The system allows security management through various authentication schemes and the simultaneous emission of a digital signature for the remote subscription of contracts and investment funds.


  • Application that can be parameterized in accordance with the Banks' marketing and operating requirements
  • Page graphics and structure that can be modified, according to the commercial proposition decided by the Bank for product type, Customer cluster, commercial campaign
  • Integration with the Bank's CRM and Management Control tools in order to provide fully integrated multichannel use and user experience that is at the same level for all product types.